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SDS Hospital Door featuring vision panel
Oct 17, 2022 12:00:00 AM 1 min read

But surely, a door is just a door, right?...

The answer is yes and no. We get this comment all the time, and the most important things to bear in mind when specifying a door is:


Why are we using a door? Stop access, facilitate people’s movement, provide privacy etc. do we need a door?

Type and Volume of Traffic

How long do we expect it to last based on the environment, how many people will be passing through it, what will come in contact with the surface of the door and frame and how well it will stand up to this traffic?


How does it look? Will it suit the environment? Is meant to blend in with the surrounding walls etc or stick out for the visually impaired to be able to find their way?

Surrounding Infrastructure

Are the walls able to hold it up given its use, amount and type of traffic passing through?



Is there space for doors to swing open or do they need to slide open?

Fire Risk

Are they on a 30 or 60 minute fire compartmentation plan, do they provide access to a lift-shaft, stairwell of other types of multi-floor access area/equipment that can act as a chimney in case of a fire, funnelling flames and smoke through multiple storeys?

Lifecycle Cost

The one we all love, how cost-effective it will be. How often will it need replacing or repairing, how much will this cost, what inconvenience can we expect/justify given the severity of damage, what are the risks if we don’t, and is there a better way to avoid the constant maintenance

And… I’m sure there’s more, but I think you can see where I’m going with this. So the answer to the question, “isn’t a door just a door?” No, not really…

Get in touch with Specialist Door Solutions

If you have any questions about the specialist doors we can provide, please get in touch on +441420543222, or email us on You can also fill in the contact form on our contact page, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.