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Nov 4, 2020 12:00:00 AM < 1 min read

Putting the NHS rainbow to work. How colour coding could stop cross contamination in healthcare environments.

The use of colour-coded products for cleaning and processing a healthcare facility has been around for years but in the light of the current infection rate is there a good argument for creating a universally recognised code?

The British Institute of Cleaning Science is credited with developing a universal colour code for the cleaning industry in the late ‘90s. The code supports that of the National Patient Safety Agency’s (NPSA) National Colour Coding Scheme for cleaning materials. NPSA has recommended that all NHS organizations adopt the code as standard.

Currently there is no standard system for how to use various colours in healthcare. A colour coded system would help stop cross contamination between departments. Doors could be utilised as guides for different ‘zones’, likewise surgical gowns and uniforms should mirror the colour of the department.

Considering the effectiveness of colour-coded cleaning as a tool in the battle against hospital acquired infection, the rise of Covid-19 and the strain upon our healthcare providers, a standardised, enforceable procedure for processing patient environments would be a smart move.